Finder crashing every minute


Today I was using my MacBook Pro for work as per normal, when I noticed the Finder windows crashing every minute or so. I tried many things, including:

  • Deleting misc plists from my ~/Library/Preferences directory;
  • Rebooting in Safe Mode (Hold Shift while rebooting);
  • Restoring the System Fonts while in Safe Mode;
  • Validating the Fonts within FontBook (Found one corrupt one);
  • Deleting every single .DS_Store file on the Mac;
  • Trying to diagnose the issue from the Crash Report in the Console.

All to no avail, although I did discover something interesting, of which more anon.

Finally, I waded into the Apple Support Forums, searching on some of the terms I found in the crash reports and I finally found a solution to Finder Crashing Every Minute: Basically, turn off "show file status icons and right click menu" in the Google Drive Preferences. This instantly stopped the problems.

The interesting thing I found? My ~/Library/Preferences directory was full of locked files, and once I deleted all the *.lockfile files, quite a few apps were much faster to open, and several websites dramatically changed their fonts. Perhaps I had overwritten the default font for some of them, as they went from being a nice Helvetica to Verdana.

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