Lok Ma Chau Demolition

The recent demolition of buildings at the Lok Ma Chau border crossing point was not all that successful...
Note how the buildings are not completely destroyed, but have mainly just fallen over. A competent demolition team will make the building fall vertically so that there is very little effect outside the footprint of the structure. As an example, may I direct you to the World Trade Centre, which fell as precisely as if it had been previously mined with directed charges designed to work along the lines of most stress, rather than being randomly struck by an airplane. Man, that Osama Bin Laden is a really good structural engineer!
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Most people fail to understand that 911 was a dirty joke on us (by GWB). Without a flight plan, it would be difficult (even for experienced pilots) to hit at the right spot and hit that hard.
"Bin Laden" is a genius. All right!