Bra Ad of the Week
(With apologies to Avedon Carol.)
This bra ad by Wacoal (motto: "Making Mountains out of Molehills"), has been appearing in the MTR stations recently.

(Sorry about the reflections - forgot to bring my circular polariser.) It's not too unpleasant to look at — attractive ladies in their skivvies are normally quite pleasant on the eyes, after all.
However, one part of it has been bugging me:

Fancy Strapes? Oh dear. Obviously a typo. On a huge advertising campaign in the MTR, where 2.4 million people per day realize that Wacoal can't spell.
But what if it isn't a spelling mistake; what if they really are offering 'fancy strapes'? What is (or are) strapes anyway?
A common sexually transmitted disease found among native mountain people of virginia.
"That dirty inbred Katy has got a nasty case of the strapes."
Hmm, not the nicest of things to get with a bra.
(Oh and if you're wondering why this post is dated before noon and didn't appear until midnight, the explanation is quite simple. I started the post, realized I had to go out and photograph the poster, then ended up in Sham Shui Po and bought a new motherboard. Honest, it all seemed logical at the time.)
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And what, pray, are the removable accessories?
I think the 'removable accessories' are the seaweed-like things dangling from various parts.